Indie Leigh & Co is a top-quality brand focused on supporting women's mental health to create positive relationships between women and their bodies before, during, and after pregnancy. We create positive mental states for women.

As a woman, your body changes in ways you never felt before. It can play some serious tricks on you too. How do you deal with it? By wearing the right clothes, of course! That's why we wanted to create this wonderful range of feminine basics for pregnant women -all inspired by natural fibers that provide optimal comfort and flexibility, maximizing the benefits of an active lifestyle for both mother and child.  Indie Leigh & Co -soothing women's minds and bodies from the inside out.

We want our customers to feel amazing so they can feel excited, refreshed, and recharged – ready to nurture themselves and take good care of their growing families.

Hester produces fresh, organic produce from local farmers in New York. Even our spices are fresh. Just because pickling is a preservation process doesn’t mean you can use dried-up thyme or week-old asparagus that’s already a little spongy.

We want to give our customers crisp, crunchy and delicious pickled vegetables and fruits. Most of all, we want to expand people’s palates and prove that pickles don’t always come in a green or red variety.